Only publications created while being part of the Data Zoo Gang are listed here.
For the full list of publications of a given team member, please refer to:
Here is a short selection of recent DZG publications we are particularly proud of and which best reflect our involvement and mindset.
We mostly work on birds and mammals (including humans) but sometimes venture to study other lifeforms, as well as viruses.
Alfano, N., Courtiol, A., Vielgrader, H., Timms, P., Roca, A. L., & Greenwood, A. D. (2015). Variation in koala microbiomes within and between individuals: Effect of body region and captivity status.
Scientific Reports,
5(1), 10189.
Appleton, M. R., Courtiol, A., Emerton, L., Slade, J. L., Tilker, A., Warr, L. C., Malvido, M. Á., Barborak, J. R., Bruin, L. de, Chapple, R., Daltry, J. C., Hadley, N. P., Jordan, C. A., Rousset, F., Singh, R., Sterling, E. J., Wessling, E. G., & Long, B. (2022). Protected area personnel and ranger numbers are insufficient to deliver global expectations.
Nature Sustainability, 1–11.
Azevedo, A., Bailey, L., Bandeira, V., Dehnhard, M., Fonseca, C., Sousa, L. de, & Jewgenow, K. (2019). Age, sex and storage time influence hair cortisol levels in a wild mammal population.
14(8), e0221124.
Azevedo, A., Bailey, L., Bandeira, V., Fonseca, C., Wauters, J., & Jewgenow, K. (2021). Decreasing glucocorticoid levels towards the expansion front suggest ongoing expansion in a terrestrial mammal.
Conservation Physiology,
9(1), coab050.
Bailey, L. D., Kruuk, L. E. B., Allen, R., Clayton, M., Stein, J., & Gardner, J. L. (2020). Using different body size measures can lead to different conclusions about the effects of climate change.
Journal of Biogeography,
47(8), 1687–1697.
Bailey, L. D., Pol, M. van de, Adriaensen, F., Arct, A., Barba, E., Bellamy, P. E., Bonamour, S., Bouvier, J.-C., Burgess, M. D., Charmantier, A., Cusimano, C., Doligez, B., Drobniak, S. M., Dubiec, A., Eens, M., Eeva, T., Ferns, P. N., Goodenough, A. E., Hartley, I. R., … Visser, M. E. (2022). Bird populations most exposed to climate change are less sensitive to climatic variation.
Nature Communications,
13(1), 2112.
Bonnet, T., Morrissey, M. B., Villemereuil, P. de, Alberts, S. C., Arcese, P., Bailey, L. D., Boutin, S., Brekke, P., Brent, L. J. N., Camenisch, G., Charmantier, A., Clutton-Brock, T. H., Cockburn, A., Coltman, D. W., Courtiol, A., Davidian, E., Evans, S. R., Ewen, J. G., Festa-Bianchet, M., … Kruuk, L. E. B. (2022). Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals.
376(6596), 1012–1016.
Cohen, E., Ndao, A., Boëtsch, G., Gueye, L., Pasquet, P., Holdsworth, M., & Courtiol, A. (2015). The relevance of the side-view in body image scales for public health: An example from two
African populations.
BMC Public Health,
15(1), 1169.
Corbett, S., Courtiol, A., Lummaa, V., Moorad, J., & Stearns, S. (2018). The transition to modernity and chronic disease: Mismatch and natural selection.
Nature Reviews Genetics,
19(7), 419–430.
Courtiol, A., Etienne, L., Feron, R., Godelle, B., & Rousset, F. (2016). The evolution of mutual mate choice under direct benefits.
The American Naturalist,
188(5), 521–538.
Courtiol, A., Pettay, J. E., Jokela, M., Rotkirch, A., & Lummaa, V. (2012). Natural and sexual selection in a monogamous historical human population.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
109(21), 8044–8049.
Courtiol, A., Rickard, I. J., Lummaa, V., Prentice, A. M., Fulford, A. J. C., & Stearns, S. C. (2013). The demographic transition influences variance in fitness and selection on height and
BMI in rural
Current Biology,
23(10), 884–889.
Courtiol, A., & Rousset, F. (2017). Modelling isoscapes using mixed models.
BioRxiv, 207662.
Courtiol, A., Rousset, F., Rohwäder, M.-S., Soto, D. X., Lehnert, L. S., Voigt, C. C., Hobson, K. A., Wassenaar, L. I., & Kramer-Schadt, S. (2019). Isoscape computation and inference of spatial origins with mixed models using the R package IsoriX. In Tracking animal migration with stable isotopes (pp. 207–236). Academic Press.
Courtiol, A., Tropf, F. C., & Mills, M. C. (2016). When genes and environment disagree:
Making sense of trends in recent human evolution.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
113(28), 7693–7695.
Courtiol, A., Vullioud, C., Rousset, F., Postma, E., Helle, S., Lummaa, V., Kylli, R., Pettay, J. E., Røskaft, E., Skjærvø, G. R., Störmer, C., Voland, E., Waldvogel, D., & Rickard, I. J. (2024). Reply to:
Maternal capacity, twinning and fertility: The last birth matters.
Nature Communications,
15(1), 8446.
Cui, P., Löber, U., Alquezar-Planas, D. E., Ishida, Y., Courtiol, A., Timms, P., Johnson, R. N., Lenz, D., Helgen, K. M., Roca, A. L., Hartman, S., & Greenwood, A. D. (2016). Comprehensive profiling of retroviral integration sites using target enrichment methods from historical koala samples without an assembled reference genome.
4, e1847.
Culina, A., Adriaensen, F., Bailey, L. D., Burgess, M. D., Charmantier, A., Cole, E. F., Eeva, T., Matthysen, E., Nater, C. R., Sheldon, B. C., Sæther, B.-E., Vriend, S. J. G., Zajkova, Z., Adamík, P., Aplin, L. M., Angulo, E., Artemyev, A., Barba, E., Barišić, S., … Visser, M. E. (2021). Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies:
The SPI-
Birds data hub.
Journal of Animal Ecology,
90(9), 2147–2160.
Davidian, E., Benhaiem, S., Courtiol, A., Hofer, H., Höner, O. P., & Dehnhard, M. (2015). Determining hormone metabolite concentrations when enzyme immunoassay accuracy varies over time.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
6(5), 576–583.
Davidian, E., Courtiol, A., Wachter, B., Hofer, H., & Höner, O. P. (2016). Why do some males choose to breed at home when most other males disperse?
Science Advances,
2(3), e1501236.
Dayaram, A., Seeber, P., Courtiol, A., Soilemetzidou, S., Tsangaras, K., Franz, M., McEwen, G. K., Azab, W., Kaczensky, P., Melzheimer, J., East, M. L., Ganbaatar, O., Walzer, C., Osterrieder, N., & Greenwood, A. D. (2021). Seasonal host and ecological drivers may promote restricted water as a viral vector.
Science of The Total Environment,
773, 145446.
Debelle, A., Courtiol, A., Ritchie, M. G., & Snook, R. R. (2017). Mate choice intensifies motor signalling in
Animal Behaviour,
133, 169–187.
Dheer, A., Davidian, E., Courtiol, A., Bailey, L. D., Wauters, J., Naman, P., Shayo, V., & Höner, O. P. (2022). Diurnal pastoralism does not reduce juvenile recruitment nor elevate allostatic load in spotted hyenas.
Journal of Animal Ecology,
Eder, S., Bailey, L. D., & Müller, K. (2020). Equilibration in freezing extender alters in vitro sperm
oviduct binding in the domestic cat (
Felis catus).
149, 79–87.
Etienne, L., Rousset, F., Godelle, B., & Courtiol, A. (2014). How choosy should
I be?
The relative searching time predicts evolution of choosiness under direct sexual selection.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
281(1785), 20140190.
Fasel, N. J., Vullioud, C., & Genoud, M. (2022). Assigning metabolic rate measurements to torpor and euthermy in heterothermic endotherms:
’, a new package for
Biology Open,
11(4), bio059064.
Franz, M., Kramer-Schadt, S., Greenwood, A. D., & Courtiol, A. (2018). Sickness-induced lethargy can increase host contact rates and pathogen spread in water-limited landscapes.
Functional Ecology,
32(9), 2194–2204.
Frauendorf, M., Allen, A. M., Jongejans, E., Ens, B. J., Teunissen, W., Kampichler, C., Turnhout, C. A. M. van, Bailey, L. D., Kroon, H. de, Cremer, J., Kleyheeg, E., Nienhuis, J., & Pol, M. van de. (2022). Love thy neighbour?
Spatial variation in density dependence of nest survival in relation to predator community.
Diversity and Distributions,
28(4), 624–635.
Gillingham, M. A. F., Béchet, A., Courtiol, A., Rendón-Martos, M., Amat, J. A., Samraoui, B., Onmuş, O., Sommer, S., & Cézilly, F. (2017). Very high
MHC Class IIB diversity without spatial differentiation in the mediterranean population of greater
BMC Evolutionary Biology,
17(1), 56.
Gillingham, M. A. F., Courtiol, A., Teixeira, M., Galan, M., Bechet, A., & Cezilly, F. (2016). Evidence of gene orthology and trans-species polymorphism, but not of parallel evolution, despite high levels of concerted evolution in the major histocompatibility complex of flamingo species.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology,
29(2), 438–454.
Heim, O., Chávez, F., Courtiol, A., Paul, F., & Voigt, C. C. (2024). Guild-specific response of bats to motion-triggered
LED lighting of bicycle trails.
Conservation Science and Practice,
n/a(n/a), e13116.
Heinrich, S. K., Hofer, H., Courtiol, A., Melzheimer, J., Dehnhard, M., Czirják, G. Á., & Wachter, B. (2017). Cheetahs have a stronger constitutive innate immunity than leopards.
Scientific Reports,
7(1), 44837.
Hobson, K. A., Wassenaar, L. I., Bowen, G. J., Courtiol, A., Trueman, C. N., Voigt, C. C., West, J. B., McMahon, K. W., & Newsome, S. D. (2019). Outlook for using stable isotopes in animal migration studies. In Tracking animal migration with stable isotopes (pp. 237–244). Academic Press.
Hryciuk, M. M., Braun, B. C., Bailey, L. D., & Jewgenow, K. (2019). Functional and morphological characterization of small and large steroidogenic luteal cells from domestic cats before and during culture.
Frontiers in Endocrinology,
10, 724.
Huijsmans, T. E. R. G., Courtiol, A., Van Soom, A., Smits, K., Rousset, F., Wauters, J., & Hildebrandt, T. B. (2024). Quantifying maternal investment in mammals using allometry.
Communications Biology,
7(1), 1–12.
Kravchenko, K. A., Vlaschenko, A. S., Lehnert, L. S., Courtiol, A., & Voigt, C. C. (2020). Generational shift in the migratory common noctule bat: First-year males lead the way to hibernacula at higher latitudes.
Biology Letters,
16(9), 20200351.
Kretzschmar, P., Auld, H., Boag, P., Gansloßer, U., Scott, C., Van Coeverden de Groot, P. J., & Courtiol, A. (2020). Mate choice, reproductive success and inbreeding in white rhinoceros:
New insights for conservation management.
Evolutionary Applications,
13(4), 699–714.
Krone, O., Bailey, L. D., Jähnig, S., Lauth, T., & Dehnhard, M. (2019). Monitoring corticoid metabolites in urine of white-tailed sea eagles:
Negative effects of road proximity on breeding pairs.
General and Comparative Endocrinology,
283, 113223.
Kruszynski, C., Bailey, L. D., Bach, L., Bach, P., Fritze, M., Lindecke, O., Teige, T., & Voigt, C. C. (2022). High vulnerability of juvenile
Nathusius’ pipistrelle bats (
Pipistrellus nathusii ) at wind turbines.
Ecological Applications,
Kruszynski, C., Bailey, L. D., Courtiol, A., Bach, L., Bach, P., Göttsche, M., Göttsche, M., Hill, R., Lindecke, O., Matthes, H., Pommeranz, H., Popa-Lisseanu, A. G., Seebens-Hoyer, A., Tichomirowa, M., & Voigt, C. C. (2021). Identifying migratory pathways of
Nathusius’ pipistrelles (
Pipistrellus nathusii ) using stable hydrogen and strontium isotopes.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,
Lahdenperä, M., Mar, K. U., Courtiol, A., & Lummaa, V. (2018). Differences in age-specific mortality between wild-caught and captive-born
Asian elephants.
Nature Communications,
9(1), 3023.
Levréro, F., Carrete-Vega, G., Herbert, A., Lawabi, I., Courtiol, A., Willaume, E., Kappeler, P. M., & Charpentier, M. J. E. (2015). Social shaping of voices does not impair phenotype matching of kinship in mandrills.
Nature Communications,
6(1), 7609.
Li, J., Seeber, P., Axtner, J., Crouthers, R., Groenenberg, M., Koehncke, A., Courtiol, A., Chanratana, P., & Greenwood, A. D. (2023). Monitoring terrestrial wildlife by combining hybridization capture and metabarcoding data from waterhole environmental
Biological Conservation,
284, 110168.
Merling de Chapa, M., Courtiol, A., Engler, M., Giese, L., Rutz, C., Lakermann, M., Müskens, G., Horst, Y. van der, Zollinger, R., Wirth, H., Kenntner, N., Krüger, O., Chakarov, N., Müller, A.-K., Looft, V., Grünkorn, T., Hallau, A., Altenkamp, R., & Krone, O. (2020). Phantom of the forest or successful citizen?
Analysing how
Northern Goshawks (
Accipiter gentilis) cope with the urban environment.
Royal Society Open Science,
7(12), 201356.
Mumby, H. S., Courtiol, A., Mar, K. U., & Lummaa, V. (2013a). Climatic variation and age-specific survival in
Asian elephants from
94(5), 1131–1141.
Mumby, H. S., Courtiol, A., Mar, K. U., & Lummaa, V. (2013b). Birth seasonality and calf mortality in a large population of
Asian elephants.
Ecology and Evolution,
3(11), 3794–3803.
Mumby, H. S., Mar, K. U., Thitaram, C., Courtiol, A., Towiboon, P., Min-Oo, Z., Htut-Aung, Y., Brown, J. L., & Lummaa, V. (2015). Stress and body condition are associated with climate and demography in
Asian elephants.
Conservation Physiology,
3(1), cov030.
Niedballa, J., Sollmann, R., Courtiol, A., & Wilting, A. (2016).
camtrapR: An
R package for efficient camera trap data management.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
7(12), 1457–1462.
Niedballa, J., Wilting, A., Sollmann, R., Hofer, H., & Courtiol, A. (2019). Assessing analytical methods for detecting spatiotemporal interactions between species from camera trapping data.
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,
5(3), 272–285.
Numberger, D., Dreier, C., Vullioud, C., Gabriel, G., Greenwood, A. D., & Grossart, H.-P. (2019). Recovery of influenza
A viruses from lake water and sediments by experimental inoculation.
14(5), e0216880.
Paijmans, J. L. A., Fickel, J., Courtiol, A., Hofreiter, M., & Förster, D. W. (2016). Impact of enrichment conditions on cross-species capture of fresh and degraded
Molecular Ecology Resources,
16(1), 42–55.
Pettay, J. E., Rotkirch, A., Courtiol, A., Jokela, M., & Lummaa, V. (2014). Effects of remarriage after widowhood on long-term fitness in a monogamous historical human population.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,
68(1), 135–143.
Radchuk, V., Reed, T., Teplitsky, C., Pol, M. van de, Charmantier, A., Hassall, C., Adamík, P., Adriaensen, F., Ahola, M. P., Arcese, P., Miguel Avilés, J., Balbontin, J., Berg, K. S., Borras, A., Burthe, S., Clobert, J., Dehnhard, N., Lope, F. de, Dhondt, A. A., … Kramer-Schadt, S. (2019). Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient.
Nature Communications,
10(1), 3109.
Renoult, J. P., Courtiol, A., & Schaefer, H. M. (2013). A novel framework to study colour signalling to multiple species.
Functional Ecology,
27(3), 718–729.
Rickard, I. J., Courtiol, A., Prentice, A., Fulford, A., Clutton-Brock, T., & Lummaa, V. (2012). Intergenerational effects of maternal birth season on offspring size in rural
Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B.
Rickard, I. J., Vullioud, C., Rousset, F., Postma, E., Helle, S., Lummaa, V., Kylli, R., Pettay, J. E., Røskaft, E., Skjærvø, G. R., Störmer, C., Voland, E., Waldvogel, D., & Courtiol, A. (2022). Mothers with higher twinning propensity had lower fertility in pre-industrial
Nature Communications,
13(1), 2886.
Rousset, F., Gouy, A., Martinez-Almoyna, C., & Courtiol, A. (2017). The summary-likelihood method and its implementation in the
Infusion package.
Molecular Ecology Resources,
17(1), 110–119.
Santos, P. S. C., Courtiol, A., Heidel, A. J., Höner, O. P., Heckmann, I., Nagy, M., Mayer, F., Platzer, M., Voigt, C. C., & Sommer, S. (2016).
MHC-dependent mate choice is linked to a trace-amine-associated receptor gene in a mammal.
Scientific Reports,
6(1), 38490.
Saragusty, J., Prieto, M. T., Courtiol, A., Potier, R., Göritz, F., Hildebrandt, T. B., & Hermes, R. (2016). Sperm rescue in wild
African elephants.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development,
28(9), 1433.
Schneeberger, K., Courtiol, A., Czirják, G. Á., & Voigt, C. C. (2014). Immune profile predicts survival and reflects senescence in a small, long-lived mammal, the
Greater Sac-
Winged Bat (
Saccopteryx bilineata).
9(9), e108268.
Seltmann, A., Czirják, G. Á., Courtiol, A., Bernard, H., Struebig, M. J., & Voigt, C. C. (2017). Habitat disturbance results in chronic stress and impaired health status in forest-dwelling paleotropical bats.
Conservation Physiology,
Seltmann, A., Troxell, S. A., Schad, J., Fritze, M., Bailey, L. D., Voigt, C. C., & Czirják, G. Á. (2022). Differences in acute phase response to bacterial, fungal and viral antigens in greater mouse-eared bats (
Myotis myotis).
Scientific Reports,
12(1), 15259.
Sommer, S., Courtiol, A., & Mazzoni, C. J. (2013).
MHC genotyping of non-model organisms using next-generation sequencing: A new methodology to deal with artefacts and allelic dropout.
BMC Genomics,
14(1), 542.
Speck, S., Courtiol, A., Junkes, C., Dathe, M., Müller, K., & Schulze, M. (2014). Cationic synthetic peptides:
Assessment of their antimicrobial potency in liquid preserved boar semen.
9(8), e105949.
Tian, J., Courtiol, A., Schneeberger, K., Greenwood, A. D., & Czirják, G. Á. (2015). Circulating white blood cell counts in captive and wild rodents are influenced by body mass rather than testes mass, a correlate of mating promiscuity.
Functional Ecology,
29(6), 823–829.
Tonnabel, J., Klein, E. K., Ronce, O., Oddou-Muratorio, S., Rousset, F., Olivieri, I., Courtiol, A., & Mignot, A. (2021). Sex-specific spatial variation in fitness in the highly dimorphic
Leucadendron rubrum.
Molecular Ecology,
30(7), 1721–1735.
Trinogga, A. L., Courtiol, A., & Krone, O. (2019). Fragmentation of lead-free and lead-based hunting rifle bullets under real life hunting conditions in
48(9), 1056–1064.
Vriend, S. J. G., Grotan, V., Gamelon, M., Adriaensen, F., Ahola, M. P., Alvarez, E., Bailey, L. D., Barba, E., Bouvier, J.-C., Burgess, M. D., Bushuev, A., Camacho, C., Canal, D., Charmantier, A., Cole, E. F., Cusimano, C., Doligez, B. F., Drobniak, S. M., Dubiec, A., … Saether, B.-E. (2022). Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across
European hole-nesting passerines.
Ecology, e3908.
Vullioud, C., Davidian, E., Wachter, B., Rousset, F., Courtiol, A., & Höner, O. P. (2019). Social support drives female dominance in the spotted hyaena.
Nature Ecology & Evolution,
3(1), 71–76.
Wetzel, M., Courtiol, A., Hofer, H., Holtze, S., & Hildebrandt, T. B. (2023). Pup recruitment in a eusocial mammal
Which factors influence early pup survival in naked mole-rats?
13(4), 630.
Wilting, A., Courtiol, A., Christiansen, P., Niedballa, J., Scharf, A. K., Orlando, L., Balkenhol, N., Hofer, H., Kramer-Schadt, S., Fickel, J., & Kitchener, A. C. (2015). Planning tiger recovery:
Understanding intraspecific variation for effective conservation.
Science Advances,
1(5), e1400175.